How to Apply Decal Stickers to Your Car

We are happy to provide the following recommendations to guide you through the installation of your decals. If you are new to this process we recommend seeking professional installation – improper installation or use of the product will not warrant replacements or refunds.

For best results:

  • DO NOT get your newly installed decals wet for at least 48 hours. As a general rule, to ensure the longevity of your decals, it is ideal to allow maximum time for the adhesive to cure to the windshield/window surface.
  • DO NOT run your wiper blades across your decal(s) until it is fully cured. Once your decal has set, it’s very unlikely that normal operation of your wiper blade will remove/damage it, as long as it was installed properly. 
  • DO NOT install your decal(s) when temperatures are below 10°C (59°F) and/or above 25°C (77°F) – this is a must!


The first step is to prepare the surface that you will be applying the decal to:

  • Remove any dirt, particles, grease or residue. 
  • Use rubbing alcohol and a clean microfiber cloth to completely remove any waxes or surface protectants prior to installation. Dish soap and hot water may be a suitable alternative if you rinse the surface thoroughly afterwards with clean water. 
  • Do not use any dedicated glass cleaners - most are ammonia-based and leave a residue on the surface, causing the banner to peel and bubble over time.

Ensure the surface is completely clean and dry before continuing to step 2, you may warm the surface slightly with a hair dryer or heat gun to help evaporate the water/alcohol and then allow it to cool.



The second step is to prepare the sticker for application:

  • Lay the decal face-up on a clean, dry surface that is flat and stable.
  • Firmly rub the felt edge of a vinyl squeegee across the decal to press the transfer tape against the vinyl. If you don’t have a squeegee you may use a microfiber cloth and the heel of your hand.

Apply moderate pressure - too much pressure may damage the application tape.



Step three is optional – measure where you would like to place your decal(s):

  • Measuring out your decal(s) location prior to application can help avoid misplacement. This is more of a preference, and not a required step. 
  • Use a ruler or measuring tape to determine decal placement as accurately as possible.

Gently apply masking tape to secure your decal. Only press the masking tape on the decal and surface lightly. Measure and check twice before proceeding to step 4.



The fourth step is separating the backing from the decal: 

  • Peel the paper backing off the decal. If any piece of the decal clings to the backing when you try to remove it, slowly press them back together and repeat step two.
  • You want the transfer tape to pick up all of the decal in one piece. Take your time as you don’t want to tear the vinyl.
Removing the application tape at a 45 degree angle from left to right tends to offer the best results. 


The fifth step is to commit to your decal placement:

  • Place the decal onto the desired surface. Working outwards from the center, press the decal down firmly with moderate pressure using a vinyl squeegee or a clean microfibre cloth and the heel of your hand. 
  • Remove any air bubbles by gently working them out towards the edges (larger air bubbles can be removed with a small pinhole afterwards). 
  • By waiting 10-15 minutes before moving to the next step, you ensure the decal is sufficiently adhered to the surface. 

Pressing too aggressively may damage your decal. Use your fingers to firmly press the decal into areas that require precision.



Step six, the final step, is to remove the transfer tape:

  • Slowly begin peeling the application tape off, at a 45 degree angle or parallel to the surface. We caution against just pulling the transfer tape upwards or perpendicular to the surface as you may pull the decal back up or damage it. 
  • If the sticker begins coming away from the surface with the transfer tape, press it back down and repeat step five. If it continues to pull away, the surface has likely not been cleaned sufficiently.

Your ride now has a Happy Endings (or several)!! Welcome to the family.